Hanako Miyamoto
The end is a beginning.
She is Beautiful. She is no hole. 2014 Mixed media
The end is a begining.
At the Matsubara beach,
a five minute drive from home,
the body of a racoon washed up on shore.
I observed it.
For half a year I observed it.
It became bones and sea salt cured leather.
The smell degraded.
One day, the body disappeared.
Life and death, joy and despair.
All so close within reach.
Though not particularly special,
all are dear to me.
Someone near and far.
F 100 Oil Painting
F4 Mixed Media
Yokuboubou 2013
F6 Mixed Media
Yokuboubou 2013
F6 Mixed Media
Yokubobo II
P20 Mixed Media
This is just between us.
P80 Mixed Media
Near and Far.
F5 Oil Painting
The end is a beginning. 2013
F10 Mixed Media
Monday melancholia. 2013
F10 Mixed Media
Goodbye, my dear. 2012
F4 Mixed media
A lot of horses.
F15 Mixed Media
Approaching 2014
F10 Mixed media
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